How Sleeping On Your Left Side Affects Your Health

Numerous chronic diseases, including depression, illness, obesity, and high blood pressure, can all be attributed to sleep deprivation. Even if you are obtaining the needed 7-8 hours of sleep each night, however, if you are sleeping incorrectly, you will once again have concerns like neck pain, wrinkles, and stomach troubles.

You must pay attention to how you spend the night if you want to maximize the benefits of sleep.

It is ideal to sleep on your left side, advises sleep specialist Doctor John Douillar, and here’s why:

-Sleeping on your left side will aid with digestion and reduce heartburn.

-Sleeping on your left side can help if you snore or have obstructive sleep apnea.

-Since this sleeping posture releases pressure from the spine, it will also assist you in reducing chronic back discomfort.

-Since the lymphatic system drains toxins, waste, and lymph fluids from the body on the left side of the body, sleeping in this posture will assist the lymphatic system’s healthy operation.

-Sleeping on your left side can benefit your heart health because gravity will aid lymph node draining and make the heart’s job easier.

-Sleeping on the left side while pregnant promotes blood circulation, eases back pressure, increases blood flow to the uterus, fetus, and kidneys, and prevents the uterus from pressing on the liver.

Numerous specialists and medical professionals support the ancient Ayurvedic notion that this position is the key to optimum health and sleep.

If you’ve made up your mind to switch, heed these LifeHack recommendations:

You’ll discover that developing the new sleeping on your left side habit may take some time. A smooth transition can be ensured by putting a few straightforward ideas into action. For instance, you might want to try placing a body pillow behind your back to make it more difficult for you to roll onto your left side while you’re sleeping. Additionally, it may be beneficial to try sleeping on the other side of the bed from where you often do so that your sleep orientation won’t feel much different.Due of the many myths that surround the daily consumption of eggs, many people avoid eating eggs.

These include assertions that the body will be harmed, such as the rise of harmful cholesterol—a myth that the World Health Organization (WHO) has already refuted.

However, a single egg contains 14 essential elements, including vitamins A, B, D, and E, in addition to calcium, selenium, and iodine, and six grams of protein.

Consequently, experts at the International Egg and Nutrition Center (IENC) consider eggs to be one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the market today.

Eggs are a food that have a lot of nutritious value, according to data from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation.

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