If Your Body Suddenly Jerks While Falling Asleep, This Is What It Means

Our bodies are incredibly fascinating entities. They truly have the ability to alert us when something is wrong. Before you go to sleep, your body does a number of things, including twitching.

We want to reassure you that you are not the only one experiencing this if it has been occurring to you. You might be in bed and ready for sleep after a hard day.

When twitching causes an abrupt interruption, you start to wonder what might be wrong. Just keep reading.

The Hypnic Twitch Just Before Sleeping

This is referred to as the hypnic twitch by scientists because it mimics the sensation of falling and causes your body to twitch. Some scientists speculate that it could be the use of drugs like Adderall and Ritalin or coffee right before bed.

This also applies to those who ultimately fall asleep too quickly after being really fatigued. This is because the brain cannot keep up with the phases of sleep.

According to one theory, this occurs because you are not yet entirely asleep but are already dreaming, and this is a symptom of these two entities battling it out.

According to a different evolutionary theory, this occurs because the body used this method to awaken our ancestors before they fell from the trees.

Specifically, when your brain is confused, it will restart, causing a chemical rush that will cause you to wake up. Even though this is not harmful to your health, it still does not feel nice.

Twitches may still be linked to the early onset of Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease, brain injury, or nerve damage, according to some current theories.

But if it’s too serious, then this!

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