Her House Always Smells Wonderful And Fresh And People Can’t Understand Why. Here’s Her Secret!

Has your home or apartment ever had a strange or unwelcome odor? Pets or mold and mildew may be to blame for the odor.

To deal with the problem of the strange and unpleasant fragrance, most people use air fresheners.

Unfortunately, the majority of air fresheners often cost a lot of money and include hazardous ingredients. There is always fresh food in her house!

Fortunately, nature provides us with a wide range of substances that can be applied in numerous ways. We’ll provide you with a simple remedy that will give your house a clean, fresh scent below.

Jen created this DIY air freshener, which is amazing. This combination is affordable, entirely safe to use, and, most importantly, effective. You can mist your carpets, sofas, and even the drapes with this homemade air freshener.

We promise that after you use this method, you won’t need to spend money on pricey, chemical-filled air fresheners ever again.


  • ¼ cup detergent spheres
  • 2 cups water
  • 4 tablespoons baking soda


In one bucket put the ¼ soap spheres and add the 4 tbsp baking soda. After that, add 2 cups boiling water and mix well. Half an hour later the mixture will be dissolved and then you should get a spray bottle and store the resulted liquid.

Utilize this remarkable mixture to spray it on sofas, dressers, fabrics, drains and carpets.

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