Guaranteed! Whiten Your Yellow Teeth in Less Than 2 Minutes!

It can be really embarrassing to have yellow teeth. The majority of people, especially smokers, are most familiar with this issue. However, even people who don’t smoke can have yellow teeth, especially if they enjoy eating a lot of sweets.

Just because of this problem, people who don’t have perfectly white teeth feel embarrassed to smile in public. However, there is a pretty straightforward, inexpensive solution to this issue.

Only two components are required, and sometimes just one of these two can be used. Knowing this will be very beneficial to you since it will prevent you from utilizing commercial items that are full of chemicals. These substances have an impact on both your general health and your dental health.

This is the natural way to whiten teeth:

Needed ingredients:

  • 8 teaspoons of baking soda
  • 8 teaspoons of virgin coconut oil


  • Just mix these two ingredients well in a bowl.
  • Put it on your toothbrush and gently brush your teeth with it and in just 2 minutes your teeth will be pearly white.

Coconut oil has antibacterial, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties. It has the power to destroy the bacteria that lead to tooth decay. On the other hand, baking soda is a mild abrasive that helps teeth whitening and cleansing, which also restores pH balance.

You need to use virgin, unrefined coconut oil. Never use the processed coconut oil.
This homemade toothpaste tastes wonderful and has the best aroma. Get some on your toothbrush just like regular toothpaste and brush.


In addition, you can use coconut oil as another way of taking care of your teeth. Use it as oil pulling every morning on an empty stomach for 10-20 minutes, before brushing your teeth. Anyway, you can do this other times during the day or before eating. It eliminates all bacteria in the mouth and refreshes your breath. Moreover, besides its ability to cleanse and detoxify teeth and gums, this method whitens teeth in a natural way.

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