Chuck Norris Confessed Love for Wife on 24th Anniversary after Nursing Her Back to Life
Chuck Norris, 83, and his wife,...

Although 82-year-old James Brolin has been married to Barbra Streisand for almost three decades, he’s still besotted with her: “Every night is a new adventure. Sleeping is a waste of time. I can’t wait to see her again in the morning,” he says.
Barbara Streisand and James Brolin have...

“My stuff’s going to sag and fall, and I will be fine. My chest is gonna do what it does. I can age the way I age.”
Whoopi Goldberg is a renowned actress...

Roseanne Barr Became a Mom at 18 & Had to Give Up Newborn — They Reunited 18 Years Later, Crying at Hotel Lounge
Roseanne Barr is a happy and...

“Keanu’s given away a lot of money and done a lot more for people than most will ever know,” revealed a family friend. “He knows how lucky he is. Unlike many Hollywood mega stars, he never takes any of this for granted.”
Keanu has been wearing the same...

“After Ed and I separated, I thought, ‘I’ll finish raising my son, and I’ll go away, have about 40 cats, and just get nice and fat.’ I thought I would be alone for the rest of my life,” Bertinelli confessed.
Valerie Bertinelli won the right not...

As Sissy Spacek celebrates her 73rd birthday, she knows that her biggest gift in life is the love and support of her one and only, Jack Fisk.
Sissy Fisk is 73 years old...

“I was on a trip for only three days and I thought, ‘God, I hate being away from her!’ I can’t stand it, because I got old with her, this is my roommate, my pal, my confidante, my manager, the girl I kiss.”
Eric Robert is almost inseparable from...

Despite facing cruel and hurtful ridicule from a critic who stooped so low as to call her names like “hippo” and “tractor-sized,” Melissa McCarthy found unconditional love and support in her husband of 17 years.
Melissa McCarthy was constantly being called...

Kimberly Williams-Paisley Appeared without Wedding Ring & Lost Her Voice before 20th Anniversary with Brad
Kimberley Williams-Paisley showed up for an...