This Is How To Use Coconut Oil And Baking Soda To Look 10 Years Younger

Numerous skin care products on the market make the claim that they will help us “say goodbye to acne,” restore our “natural beauty,” and make our skin “flawless.”

However, the majority of these are packed with harmful compounds, of whose names we are utterly ignorant. Despite the fact that many products lack adequate testing before distribution, they nonetheless contain dangerous substances.

Elizabeth Sword, the Children’s Health Environmental Coalition’s executive director, asserts:

Trade secrets and formulas are sometimes withheld from consumers for business purposes. The consumer is unable to make fully informed selections as a result.

Therefore, you should manufacture your own facial scrub to remove skin imperfections and avoid the health dangers associated with such commercial goods. Coconut oil and baking soda are its two components.

One of the healthiest natural oils you may use is coconut oil, which has potent antimicrobial, hydrating, and antibacterial effects. It will clear up acne and clean the face. Additionally, this beneficial oil is used to treat eczema and psoriasis, among other skin diseases.

Strong facial exfoliators like baking soda can get rid of blackheads, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, treat sunburns, and soften the skin.

Here’s how to make a homemade face scrub with baking soda and coconut oil:


1/2 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup baking soda

In a smaller, shallow jar or another suitable container, mix the ingredients until you get a homogeneous mixture.

Use it to scrub the face as you usually do, and you will experience amazing benefits!

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