7 Signs Your Guardian Angel Is Trying to Contact You

Angels are heavenly entities who help us throughout our journey. Despite operating on a different frequency than humans, they find direction through channeled messages, dreams, and intuitive knowing.

Consequently, there are numerous indications that the angels are close by and making attempts to make touch with humanity.

These signals could start off small and insignificant, but they could grow in both size and frequency with time.

These heavenly creatures provide us love and support by sending us signs. As a result, below are some of the most typical messages from the angels.

You may become aware of these occurrences for one of two reasons: either you have a burning query or doubt that needs answering, or your angels are trying to get your attention.

7 Typical Angel Symbols

Feathers are a messenger from above, so keep an eye out for them. What a beautiful sign that angels are close by to love and support you. If this happens to you, take heart in receiving such a potent angelic sign.

If you notice a cloud which looks like an angel, it means that your angel is near to you and in this way it is showing its presence.

When you smell something pleasant but can’t place it, know that your guardian angel is close by.

Animals and Newborns
A baby’s guardian angel is there if you see him or her smiling up at the ceiling or staring intently into the air. Infants and animals appear more calm in the presence of an angel.

Angelic singing or a pleasant sound you can’t identify could be a direct message from your guardian angel.

If you keep on finding coins, it is a sign fro your angel and a symbol of support. So, if you find coins, you should know that you’re loved, supported and guided.

Shine Brightly
Orbs, mysterious shimmers of light, and sudden bursts of color are all signs that your guardian angel is nearby. If this happens to you, know that your guardian angel is sending you messages of peace, love, and renewal.

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