7-Day Sugar Detox Menu Plan and Lose 30 lbs

Although the majority of us truly love desserts, including all types of cakes and muffins, candies, and chocolate, we are all aware that sugar is really bad for our health.

Consuming it causes weight gain, obesity, energy slumps, wrinkles, and even more serious health problems like:

weakened immunity
Serotonin levels are rising.
Heart problems
bad vision
adrenal exhaustion
Premature aging: low mineral levels in the body

In addition, sugar is very addictive, as demonstrated by a number of studies, and it may even have comparable effects on the brain as some illegal narcotics.

‘Addiction’ is a strong term used to describe a tragic situation where someone’s brain chemistry has been altered to compel them to repeat a substance or activity despite harmful consequences, according to Alan Greene, M.D., a children’s health and wellness expert and the author of books like “Raising Baby Green” and “Feeding Baby Green.”

But he also points out that there is growing proof that consuming too much added sugar might result in a real addiction.

Additionally, according to Cassie Bjork, R.D., L.D., founder of Healthy Simple Life, studies have shown that sugar can be even more addictive than cocaine due to its activation of the brain’s opiate receptors and impact on the reward center, which results in compulsive behavior despite its negative effects like weight gain, headaches, hormonal imbalances, and more.

According to studies, every time we consume sweets, we are strengthening these neuropathways, hardwiring our brains to seek sugar and developing a tolerance to it just as we would for any other drug.

The following 7-day sugar detox will aid in weight loss and help you undo the negative consequences of sugar consumption:

1st Day

Breakfast: baked eggs with cheese and spinach
almonds from Tamari for breakfast.
Lunch consists of low-carb sweet peppers with cheese and a green salad.
Dinner will be a baked stuffed chicken breast with spinach, cucumber, and tomato salad.
Snack: 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract, 1/4 cup part skim milk, and a few drops of vanilla stevia added to low-fat ricotta cheese.

2nd Day

Sun-dried tomato frittata for breakfast
almonds from Tamari for breakfast.
Lunch will consist of chicken, spinach, and peppers.
Snack in the afternoon: raw vegetables with spinach dip.
Dinner will be lettuce cups with turkey, peppers, mushrooms, and spinach.
cheese stick as a snack

3rd Day

Breakfast: a protein smoothie with peanut butter.
Three boiled egg whites for a morning snack
Lunch will consist of a cucumber, tomato, sweet pepper, vinegar, and extra virgin olive oil salad.
Afternoon Snack: Feta-topped Frittata
Dinner will be grilled chicken with fresh herbs and a light vegetable soup.
Snack: Dairy- and sugar-free vanilla chia pudding on the fourth day

4th Day

Sante Fe Frittatas for breakfast. Morning Snack: Cheese Sticks
Lunch is a grilled chicken salad with cilantro.
Afternoon Snack: sugar-free celery and peanut butter
Dinner will be chicken stew, small zucchini cheese nibbles, and crockpot chicken.
Snack: 12 cups of low-fat cottage cheese with slices of cucumber.

5th Day

Breakfast: Sante Fe Frittata’s Breakfast Snack: raw vegetables with a hot feta dip from the Mediterranean
Lunch will consist of a soup and a green salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, vinegar, and extra virgin olive oil.
Salad with feta cheese, tomatoes, and cucumber for afternoon snacks
Dinner will consist of low-carb cheese breadsticks and an Italian green bean salad.
Snack: 6th Day sugar-free, dairy-free vanilla chia pudding

6th Day

Breakfast: a crustless egg muffin
Raw veggies dipped in a hot feta dip from the Mediterranean for breakfast
Low-carb cheese breadsticks and an Italian green bean salad are served for lunch.
Spicy Mediterranean feta dip with raw vegetables for an afternoon snack
Snack: Chicken drumsticks with lemon and garlic and zucchini noodles.
3 boiled eggs’ whites for dinner

7th Day

Breakfast consists of scrambled eggs, spinach, and mushrooms.
Breakfast: 1/2 cup cottage cheese
Lunch will be mild vegetable soup and zucchini noodles.
Tamari almonds for an afternoon snack
Snack: leftover green bean salad and chicken drumsticks.
Dinner will be a sugar-free, dairy-free vanilla chia pudding.

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