10 Reasons to Start Drinking Warm Water With Lemon Every Morning

Do you drink warm water? If the answer is no, you need to change your mind. Warm water is very helpful. Cold water is nice to drink, but it makes it harder for the body to absorb nutrients because it has to work harder to warm up!

Research shows that cold water makes nasal mucus thicker, which makes it hard for it to move through the respiratory system.

This is something that old Chinese and Indian people did often. When you wake up, drinking warm water helps your body digest food and clear up congestion. The nervous system is calmed by hot water. The Chinese don’t take hot water with their meals. Instead, they have a cup of hot tea or warm water.

The temperature should be between 120 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Your mouth and throat shouldn’t get burned.

Lemon makes your water healthier. It’s full of vitamin C and boosts the immune system, which keeps colds and flu at bay. This orange fruit is full of vitamin C, folate, potassium, flavonoids, and limonins.

A quarter cup of lemon juice has 31% of the RDA for vitamin C, 3% of the RDA for folate, and 2% of the RDA for potassium. It does have 13 calories, though.

In this piece, we’ll talk about some of the ways warm lemon water can help you.

10 perks of drinking warm lemon water

1. Congestion in the nose

When we have a cold or a sinus infection, we drink hot tea to help clear up the congestion. Hot water makes it easier to get rid of mucus, which speeds up your healing. If you have a stuffy nose in the morning, you can breathe better if you drink hot water. Add lemon juice to improve your immune response and get a lot of antioxidants.

2. Good for your stomach

Warm water opens up the blood vessels and helps the blood move better. This is good for your stomach. Warm water keeps you refreshed and helps your body get rid of waste more quickly. Lemons clean out the body and help the liver work better.

3. Central nervous system

It takes a lot of energy to bring cold water to 98.6 degrees. The shock of cold water gives you worry and stress. To calm down and get rid of worry, drink warm water.

Lemon makes you feel better and “fixes” your feelings. It helps you focus because it turns on a neurotransmitter called norepinephrine, which changes the part of your brain that controls attention.

4. Stopping up

Cold water slows down the enzymes in your digestive system, while hot water makes your intestines shrink. If you want to go to the bathroom more often, drink hot water in the morning.

Lemon juice has a lot of pectin, which is a type of soluble fiber that helps keep your gut healthy and slows down how quickly sugar and carbs are broken down. It controls blood sugar and keeps your bowels moving regularly.

5. Getting water

Warm water is easy for the body to take in. In other words, you won’t need to drink a lot of water to stay hydrated. Listen to what your body needs and figure out how much you need. Lemon keeps you hydrated because it adds a fresh taste to your water and makes it more interesting.

6. Losing weight

Water speeds up your metabolism, which makes it easy to lose weight. It makes it easier to get rid of trash. Lemons also help you lose weight. Research has shown that staying hydrated is an important part of losing weight.

Adding lemon to your water will give it a fresh taste, so you won’t need to drink sugary drinks.

7. Getting around

Warm showers make your blood vessels bigger, which makes your blood move better. Experts say that hot tea or water have the same effect.

If you drink warm water in the morning, it will help your blood flow and give your body more oxygen. When there is a lot of oxygen in the air, blood flows better and circulation is good.

8. Relax muscles.

Warm water makes your whole body feel better. It gets blood flowing to your muscles and makes you feel less tense. If you have trouble sleeping. Before you go to bed, drink warm lemon water. If you wake up worried, do the same thing.

9. Treatment for detox

Warm lemon water raises your body temperature and stimulates your hormone system. You will sweat more, making it easier for toxins to leave your body.

10. Achalasia

It’s a situation in which food can’t move from the esophagus to the stomach. Food is stuck in the stomach, which could lead to health problems. Warm water may help because it moves through the body faster than cold water and makes processing go faster.

Lemon also helps with digestion, so add fresh lemon juice to your drink.

Risks of hot water

If your water is hotter than 140 degrees, it will burn your mouth and throat. Keep in mind that hot water might make your symptoms feel better, but it won’t cure them. Use it to boost the good effects of what you eat, how much you move, and how you think.

Don’t drink hot water if you work outside or move a lot. Cold water doesn’t quench thirst as well as hot water. If you work out or do something else outside that raises your body temperature, drink cold water.

Last words

A nice way to start the day is with warm water. Instead of coffee, drink warm lemon water in the morning. This will help you solve any health problem, whether it’s with your body, a cold, or something else.

You can also add honey. It’s full of good nutrients and will add a nice kick to your warm lemon water. Honey is very good for you and goes well with every dessert or sweet dish.

When added to lemon water, it works well. Always buy healthy food from places you know and trust!

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